This system is manufactured on a turnkey basis in which a honing tank is combined with a filtration system.Airsys has retained records of the production and remodeling of various high-efficiency honing machines.This system has been adopted by major domestic auto makers as their standard coolant system.
•Keeps the cleanliness of horning oils at the same level of general cutting oils. •Allows for a honing process in order to successfully treat 0.73mm (with a capacity to handle fine chips of 600L a day), even without lathe turning.•Improves the service life of honing oil drastically.•Lengthens tank-cleaning periods (tank agitation).•Provides easy cleaning of tanks (manholes that have no obstacles inside and pose no problems to gain access)•Makes tools’ service life long and tool’s load small. •Keeps the inside of a honing machine clean.•Is very simple and easy-to-operate.•Requires few consumables and achieve easy maintenance. (The pump is what requires maintenance most.)
Airsys’ honing coolant system that can be installed at central pit
Kapa Honing at Beijing Hyundai 3rd Plant
Daily sludge discharge 600L View of the installation Change occurring in tanks